PPC Services

PPC Ads provides you with a targeted and cost-effective medium to place higher in the Google search engine. As a professional PPC management company, we help you optimize brand campaigns and generate ROI by making smart data-driven decisions.

PPC Packages

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    What Is Pay Per Click?

    According to a Hanapin Marketing report, around 79% of the marketers have admitted to having benefited from paid search marketing. Using pay per click, a marketer expects to generate a higher ROI. To know if PPC marketing is suitable for business, first, let’s learn what pay per click is and how it works.

    Marketers use pay per click to build brand awareness, advertise their services & products and drive traffic from the target audience. PPC advertisers pay every time a user clicks on the PPC ads. While PPC is mainly associated with Google SERPs and Google Display Network, many other digital platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc., use pay per click ads today.

    PPC Marketing: How it works

    We Create Google Ad in Simple Steps

    PPC marketing is based on keywords, where PPC campaign management services like Adwords give value to different search terms and phrases. Depending on the volume, difficulty, and competition of the search terms and phrases, the value differs. A term or phrase having high competition from advertisers will have a high value. Here’s how our experts will help you start your first PPC Ad –

    PPC Phone


    ppc phone

    Ad: example-business.com

    Plumbers in Charlotte NC | Get A Free Estimate

    Get 24×7 Hour Emergency Plumbing Service in Charlotte NC. Call Us Today For A Free Estimate.

    Our PPC Advertising Steps

    Ad: example-business.com

    Call 1800 XXX-XXXX – Get Free Estimate

    We Offer Same Day Service With 24/7 Availability.

    Ad: example-business.com

    Experienced Plumbers – Trusted For 20+ Years

    Get Complete Range Of Plumbing & Heating Services Across Charlotte, NC.


    Ad: example-business.com

    Plumbers in Charlotte, NC – Call Now

    Call Us Today For A Free Estimate. Water Heater Installation & Repair.

    Ad reach



    Ad Reach Map

    Ad: example-business.com

    Plumbers in Charlotte, NC – Call Now

    Call Us Today For A Complete Range Of Plumbing & Heating Services

    Plumbers Near Me

    Nik & Bros Plumbing, Inc

    Add an image
    Water Heater Installation

    Water Heater Installation

    Water Heater Installation in Charlotte, NC

    Nik & Bros Plumbing, Inc for Plumber Services | ✔ Heating Systems | ✔ Water Heaters

    Step 4

    Setting the Budget

    We will set a budget cap that will ensure that you never pay more than that amount. We can help you adjust or pause your payments at any time. In addition, we’ll provide you with an estimate of the results based on your budget.

    Monthly budget cap

    Adjust anytime

    Your estimated results

    140 – 235 clicks and calls

    Step 5

    Go Live

    Finally, your ads go visible to people who are looking for your products or services. Your advertisements may appear on Google Search and Maps, as well as on a variety of partner websites.

    PPC phone

    plumber near me

    Google Mic

    Ad: example-business.com

    Nik & Bros Plumbing, Inc

    Experienced Plumbers – Trusted For 20+ Years

    PPC Map3

    You will only be charged when people take action based on your advertisement, such as calling your business, visiting your website, or getting directions to your store.

    With limited PPC Google slots for Google’s homepage, you need to compete with other marketers for a slot. However, as an advertiser, you cannot pay to increase the Google PPC ads’ prominence.

    Types of Pay Per Click Ads

    Search Ads

    You don’t want to manage an extensive keyword list and that’s why our experts are here to help you with Search Ads. Google search Ads are of 2 types – Regular and Dynamic.

    When creating your Search ads, one of the most important things to keep in mind is that they should be relevant to the keywords you are targeting. You’ll want to use keywords from your ad group in your headlines and descriptions. We help you do so effectively.

    Search Ads are basically content from your website to target your ad when customer searches. When customers search for terms that are closely related to the content on your website, your website will be crawled to match the customer’s query. Dynamic search ads generates headlines that directs customers to your website and landing pages.

    Amazon PPC Ads

    Amazon advertising is getting popular with time and it allows Amazon sellers to build their brand awareness along with boosting sales and driving traffic to their Amazon stores. With our PPC marketing services, you can place sponsored ads on the key locations of Amazon. It is, of course, not easy to appear on page 1, and by using paid PPC Amazon ads, you can make your business progress.

    With our insightful and effective PPC marketing campaigns, you can increase your business’s profit margin significantly. We use our expert’s knowledge and experience to provide you with the place your business deserves in Amazon eCommerce.

    Social Ads

    Social media is so popular as many of today’s youth started spending valuable time on social platforms. For this reason, social media paid ads are one the most popular and fastest-growing amongst the other paid advertising services. When users on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn are browsing through their feeds, often they come across ads that might interest them. These ads are programmed in a way so that they reach prospects based on their interest and hobbies.

    With our PPC marketing services, you can have high conversion rates with low marketing costs. But it is important to note that social ads are most suitable for brands that have an active social media presence.

    Remarketing Ads

    Remarketing ads are a way to connect with users who have visited your website before. The ads remind the users to visit your site again and purchase any product or services that they might have browsed during their previous visit. Remarketing ads are one of the best ways to convert a lead because they are comparatively cheaper and have a high chance of doubling your turnovers.

    We provide PPC marketing services that include remarketing ads – helping you reach a broader audience with customizable ads. Remarketing ads has comparatively lower competition and targeted customer segments.

    Google Shopping Ads

    Google shopping ads appear above or beside the Google search results when a prospect search for terms or phrases relating to a product or service. The ads show the products and their prices on the SERP page itself without the prospects visiting the website. Most often, Google shopping ads are suitable for brands and businesses that have an extensive collection of products.

    A click on Google shopping ads often means a high chance of conversion, considering the prospects already have explored other products on the Google shopping ads. If you own an ecommerce business site, using Google shopping ads will help you reach customers who are really looking to buy products and not just browsing.

    In-stream Ads

    Commonly known as YouTube ads, in-stream ads are PPC ads that appear on YouTube search results. They also appear on videos before the actual video starts and allows the users or viewers to skip them sometimes. In-stream ads are one of the most effective forms of marketing, as video marketing presents your brand in a memorable way.

    While in-stream ads were limited to YouTube previously, Facebook has recently launched in-stream ads. With our in-stream ads, companies can now claim the best slots for their video advertisement on Facebook. Our in-stream ads are one of the cost-effective PPC marketing where your prospects find it easier to connect with you as a brand.

    Local Services Ads

    When people search for local services on the internet, Local service ads helps them with necessary information. Although local service ads are one of the forms of PPC marketing, it follows a bit different model of marketing. Marketers don’t pay for clicks, but they pay for leads. This model is called per leads.

    Our marketing services help your local business in local advertising and targeting demographics. With our services, HVAC companies, electricians, plumbers, etc., can target exactly where and when your ads will display. Note that Google My Business listing is not necessary for you to use local service ads.

    Display Ads

    Display ads are mostly everywhere and are effective enough to reach over 90% of users accessing the internet. Everywhere on a Google partner website, display ads are easy to find. Display ads try to retarget those users who visited industry-related sites previously. By emphasizing the size of photos and text display ads, try to draw the attention of the users and convince them to consider or take action.

    If your business has a long sales cycle or has niche customers, display ads are a suitable option for you. Display ads are also suitable in case you are trying to build a brand image.

    JDM Web Technologies PPC Marketing Services

    Keyword Research & Analysis

    With our knowledge and experience, plus our extensive tools, we try to understand the customer’s search behavior and predict the key terms and phrases they are likely to enter next on search boxes. We also categorize the key terms and phrases based on various factors like industry relevance, search volume, and competition.

    Our paid search specialists work with dedication to refine your keyword list to know the interest and search intent of your target audience. This helps us refine our next campaigns and reach them directly when they search for any offerings your business provides.

    Landing Page Optimization for conversion

    Landing pages thrive on visual appeal, but your business will not grow if only the landing page attracts the customers, and it does nothing to convert leads. A PPC ad is supposed to direct the user to an optimized landing page. Without the quality and quantity of your leads, you might lose the chance of converting users to customers.

    With our PPC landing page optimization services, you get strong headlines, high-performing keywords, engaging content, and an attention-grabbing Call to Action. With our SEO and PPC services integration, you can make your prospects take any action you want them to.

    PPC Management

    You get all kinds of PPC management services in our company. Services including keyword research, analysis, channel strategy, campaign launch, etc., are best for driving immediate and quality traffic to your website and landing pages without any hassle or issue. All our PPC marketing services are performed and worked on by various experts in the team.

    Don’t worry about the costs because we provide custom packages that suit your business’s unique requirements and budgets. Any budget or package you choose, you will get effective and conversion-driven campaigns.

    Paid Search Advertising

    We provide paid search advertising services using which you can take your brand to the top of search engine results on Google. Our experienced and skilled specialists will optimize your ad targeting strategies, work on high-volume keywords, develop PPC bidding strategies, analyze your ROI for improving quality score, CTR, and impression share.

    It also doesn’t matter how many impressions your ad gets, because if they don’t click on it, you don’t have to pay. This means a cost-effective way to build brand awareness as many can see your brand info and recognition, but since not everyone is clicking you don’t have to pay as much.

    Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

    Our team experts work on optimizing conversion rates by working on excellent writing persuasive PPC ads, designing landing pages of your website, and developing user-friendly leads capture forms. This is what helps in boosting your quality score and conversion rates.

    With our services, you can grab the attention of your customer at the right place and right time, and you can do so without spending any extra cost. We can help you increase your profit and move your customers to the bottom of the sales funnel. CRO may be different depending on your business and industry, but our comprehensive range of PPC services will take care of it.

    Bing & Google Ads Management

    Your target consumer can be found on a many search engines, such as Bing and Google, when you use our complete PPC services. Our services assist you in increasing your website traffic and online revenue. We can ensure that your brand offerings are reaching the right audience groups through a variety of in-depth PPC audits.

    You will receive optimised PPC advertising for various platforms and search engines, which will assist you in improving SEM targeting and obtaining high engagement rates.

    Remarketing Campaigns

    Our remarketing services are cost-effective and help you connect with viewers who have visited your website before. What we do is identify campaigns that have high performance, create remarketing ads for quality customers and tap into site visitors who have shown intent for purchasing your brand offerings. With the help of optimal frequency settings, we control the limits of remarketing ads appearing to the same person and eventually reducing your extra marketing expenses.

    Our competitive remarketing campaign will help your website drive sales, leads, and revenue.

    YouTube Ads

    YouTube ads are one of the most successful and powerful marketing strategies as they are optimized video ads that are meant to create a lasting impression on your prospect’s mind. But these also require skills as video marketing is more focused on telling a story and making things memorable for your prospects.

    With our targeted YouTube video marketing approach, you get in-stream ads that are targeted towards connecting with your potential customers. We help you create short, relevant, and optimized YouTube ads that uniquely presents your business.

    About Campaign Goals in Google Ads

    While creating a campaign in Google Ads, you can select a goal, which helps you in decision making. When you select a goal, you are guided with certain features that make your campaign successful. You should be thoughtful while selecting a goal as it should match the attributes of whatever you expect to achieve from the campaign – sales or website traffic. Selecting a goal will provide you with recommendations of features and settings that work towards helping you achieve what is important for your business.

    How Do Goals Work?

    You can select your goal while creating your campaign, and it should correspond to the results you want from the campaign and your business. Say, if you want the users to visit your website after they have viewed the ads, you should select the ‘Website traffic’ goal. After selecting your goal, you will get recommendations of features and settings specifically made for generating traffic to your website.

    However, note that you don’t necessarily have to choose a goal, and you can create a campaign without selecting a goal. You can also add or remove a goal whenever you want. You can read more about each goal by hovering your cursor over whichever goal you want to know.

    After selecting the goals, you can select what type of campaign you want to run, you get to choose where you want your customers to see your ads, setting, and other options. Later you can select what networks you want your ads to appear.

    What Makes PPC suitable for your business?

    Low Barrier to Entry

    With our guidance and experience, you can quickly start your ad creation. It doesn’t matter if you have been an active player in the competition of PPC services or not, with our services, you will get your campaign active and running in a short period of time.

    Enhanced Brand Visibility

    PPC management services allow your brand to present ads in a way so that your customers and prospects find and notice your brand. PPC management services also target high-converting customers.


    PPC advertising services can get your proven results overnight, but for a more favorable result, we recommend you to run campaigns for more than 3 months.


    Our PPC experts will use various versions of PPC ads to know which campaign will generate the highest conversion rate upon launching and optimizing. This process is one of the important parts of a PPC advertising campaign.

    Trackable Data

    Google Analytics helps you with your campaign metrics, including impressions, clicks, and conversions. This helps you learn the performance of your campaigns, eliminating all the guesswork in tracking and reporting.

    Total Customization

    PPC advertising lets you select every aspect of the marketing like keywords, audience targeting, zip codes, placements, etc. In short, you have all the controls to make your campaign relevant and achieve better results.

    SEO Vs PPC?


    While SEO is an effective way to enhance organic traffic, build brand awareness, and establish a customer base, it is also a very slow process. Many SEO companies will agree that to obtain the SEO results, you need to wait for at least 4-6 months. Some studies will also tell you that hardly 5.7 percent of the web pages get to see SEO campaign results within a year of launching.

    Many marketers fail to achieve their marketing goals while choosing the path of organic search because, again, SEO takes time. For this reason, any marketer who wants to reach their marketing goals, go for PPC marketing.

    SEO vs PPC

    Pay Per Click

    Pay Per Click has been one of the most powerful marketing methods for marketers, allowing them complete control over marketing campaigns. You can use pay per click to show your brand offering to your desired target audience, whenever you want and wherever you want.

    As PPC marketing is focused on laser-targeted visibility, the journey of viewers to become buyers is fast and has increased conversion rates. PPC marketing is the perfect choice for your business marketing if you are looking for a short-term strategy to promote your business and its services. Despite being a short-term strategy, PPC delivers long-term benefits.


    Yes, we can use the same account if you want, and If needed, a new account for your business. We will create the same at that stage. We want to inform you that up to 20 Google Ads accounts can be associated with a single email address.

    We don't sign long-term contracts as we believe in our services and efforts. No long-term contract is required. It's a monthly service.

    Yes, there is a one-time setup fee for each PPC Plan. You can check our PPC Packages for more details.

    Please visit our PPC Packages and select the one as per your needs and monthly budget. Choose a package according to your requirements and Pay, and enjoy the JDM PPC Marketing services to run your business in Google Ads.

    You can log in to the Google ads account and check the campaign progress yourself, and we will also send you a detailed monthly report including Clicks, CTR, Conversion, Leads, and Campaign budget details.

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    Signup for our newsletter to know what’s happening in the digital world. We’ll send the latest news, trending campaign and offers on our services directly to your inbox.

      Get In Touch

      We’re a high-energy group of digital gurus who work diligently to get your brand, product, and message in front of the appropriate people. While the cornerstones of our business are social media, search engine optimization, and digital advertising, our unique ability to mix the three allows us to deliver total amplification for your brand.

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